Monday 13 January 2014

Inspiration - Game apps

Fruit Ninja
I decided to look at fruit ninja which is heavily controlsd by the swiping action, as i initially thought about making my game ap similar to fruit ninja except instead of slicing fruit you would be slicing beer cans and bottles. I later realised that broken glass and bottles wasn't appropriate imagery or graphics for anything promoting an alcohol brands as it is usually associated with danger and drunken behaviour.

Here is the main menu for fruit ninja the logo for the game uses a bright colour scheme to relate to the colourful fruits in the game, they have use purple, yellow, red and green which are all complementary colours. The background texture is of dadk planks of wood which have cuts and grooves in them and looks like a worn down chopping board. To select each of the options you have to slice the fruit using the swiping motion.

The aim of the game is to gain as many points as you can by slicing the fruit and trying to achieve a new record of points each game. The three x's at the top right corner of the screen are your lives, if you miss a fruit you lose a life. The difficulty increases as more fruit are tossed up and bombs are also thrown in which you have to avoid, if you hit a bomb it's game over and you will have to start again with your points and lives reset. Extra points are earned if you can slice more than 2 fruit with one swipe creating combos.

The sound effects in this game include the wind or slice effect of the sword swinging and the splicing of the fruit and the juice splashing on the backdrop. There is also sound effects for the bombs that fly up with the fuse crackling and also a sound effect for when the bomb explodes.

Dumb Ways to Die

This game was made based off of the Dumb Ways to Die animation for railway safety and much like wario ware consists of random mini games where you have to make use of a variety of  actions for each game.

In this particular one as it says in the screen shot you have to tapp the screen as fast as you can to run and put out the fire which is burning the character. You can pause this game and it also has a timer for each game which is the bar at the top of the screen which fills up.

This mini game uses a new interactive feature which I didn't even know was possible with a phone as the feature is quite similar to that of Nintendo DS consoles. You have to blow into the mic to keep the plane flying or you'll crash an lose a life.

The game does also have a life feature where the character has 3 lives and loses each one if a game is lost. The graphics for the lives are of 3 characters dancing with what looks like money, once you lose a life one of the characters remaining will fall backwards into a pit and a grave will pop up indicating how many lives you've lost and how many you have left.

Each time you collect a certain amount of points a new character is added to the train station on the home menu screen and there will be a bubble that pops up telling you how many more points you need to earn in order to unlock the next character. You can't do anything special with the characters you unlock, I imagine they're just there to drive some sort of motivation to play the game.

Noty & Moky

Very much like wario ware this game ap shows a screen with direction and instructions on how to play the mini game before it pops up, like in this one is shows a phone which i would assume you lay on a soft surface like your hand and a finger tapping the edge of the screen/phone.

The game is pausable but there doesn't seem to be any visible time limit. I may use the idea behind this mini game to inspire one of my own mini games as the whole thing is inspired by japanese culture, there is a game children tend to play where you fold paper sumos and make a little paper platform for them with a circle and you would have to tap the platform to knock over the other person's sumo.

For this one you have to use the pinch action to control the chopsticks and pick up the sushi off the conveyor belt and then swipe the sushi to the plate. There seems to be a time limit but it's not visible which isn't very useful.

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