Sunday 12 January 2014

Inspiration - Other games

These are two other games which inspire me, similar to the app ones I looked at except on a different platform such as Nintendo Wii and Playstation 1. Both of these game also consist of quick mini games that are thrown at you at random and you have to complete each on to progress, if you lose in a mini game then you also lose a life. Both of the games have a bright and vivid colour scheme and have a crazy theme to them with very weird and surreal animation and imagery.

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

In this game they teach you all of the positions and poses that you have to hold the wii remote in before the game itself pops up. For this particular one you need to clutch the wii remote in your hand and put your hands on your hips and then move your hips as if you were hula hooping. Each mini game also has a time limit as indicated at the bottom of the screen where these is a bomb in the bottom left corner and the fuse is getting shorter and shorter, either you would not do anything and the bomb would go off  and you'd lose a life for not knowing what to do or you'd start the action and either drop the hoop or win depending on how consistent your movements are. There are various poses to do for this game but for my app I will have to minimise my variety of actions or games to just ones where you can tap, swipe, or pinch etc.

The same concept pretty much follows through the entire game where they will show you the pose first so you are prepared and then a random mini game associated with that pose will start. In this one you place the remote on your palm facing upwards and you have to balance the broom on your hand and try not to drop it. I may use the idea of a time limit for my game and put something like a bomb or a ticking  clock somewhere on the screen so that it can cause the player to feel a little panicked. I'm also going to put the lives idea into my gave and give the player 4 lives which they will have to try and keep or will end up losing. I am still unsure of what to offer as a reward though for completing each stage or series of mini games.

Bishi Bashi Special

This game is rather old and is on the Playstation one so there is no touch screen or remote sensor features therefore all of the game play with done with a controller and there is more variety on instructions and buttons to press to complete each game. The controls in this game are usual easily to follow though without explanation as they are commonly either colour co-ordination to the buttons or distinguished with directions according to where on the game pad the buttons are place e.g. square is left, X is middle and circle is right, or triangle is green, X is blue and circle is red. In this mini game the controls are very simple it's just pressing one button but you have to press it in time with the beat of the leader. Each time you pressed the button correctly along with the beat your afro grows bigger. This is a 2 player game and whoever ends up with the bigger afro by the time the time runs out is the winner and the other person loses a life.

This game is colour co-ordinated and you have to press the buttons of the colours of the beans in the order that they fly up. When you do this correctly the character eats the beans without missing any and you gain point. Each time more beans are added and they pop up quicker so it become easier to lose your concentration with all these blobs of colours flying around, if you mis press a button and get the order of the colours wrong the character gets hit in the face by the beans and drops them all. By the end of the time limit the winner is the person who ate more beans.

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