Tuesday 14 January 2014


Target Audience

  • Young and dynamic consumer.
  • Ages between 25-35, and part of 'generation possible'.
  • Grown up with coffee shop culture.
  • Drinking higher quality coffee.
  • Looking for better quality experiences.
  • Love the coffee they get from coffee shops.
  • Wants to make the coffee at home in a convenient and affordable way.
The Challenge
  • Come up with a new product innovation for Nescafé Azera. e.g. A new packaging idea, a new way to drink coffee, or a simple design tweak. Think about how the consumers like to experience new things. They have an appetite for new but it has to be convenient for them and not time consuming to fit into their busy schedules. Think about creative solutions to ensure consumers are able to access high quality coffee in an instant. It doesn't have to be a revolution; small changes can be just as impactful. The key is how it is brought to life.
  • Create a social media campaign to launch the new product innovation. Any social media is acceptable. Explain the campaign and bring it to life with visual examples.
  • Make it stand out in store. Show how I would make the new product innovation catch the attention of audience while they shop. Use any form of media you feel would work (traditional in store displays, mobile, digital, branded merchandise).
Creative Requirements
  • Write an explanation of my idea in a summary fewer than 300 words.
  • Explain what my concept will show consumers and how it will appeal to them.
  • Show them my ideas visually.
  • Mock them up, draw them by hand, use a computer or combine both skills.
Essential things to bear in mind
  • All work must include the full brand logo.
  • The logo cannot be changed, please always use it as given.
  • Fonts: Barista Style Instant Coffee = Trade Gothic LT Pro Bold Condensed No. 20, Product descriptor text = Serifa Std. If you don't have these please use something similar.

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