Tuesday 21 January 2014

Coffee Graphics & Illustrations

Here are just 3 more poster designs and illustrations I came across which I like with the theme of coffee. I thought it would be interesting to look at these as they all have a different style, colour scheme and approach to most coffee related adverts and posters.

This illustration uses a very different colour scheme compared to most illustrations where coffee is the main subject. Instead of using the usual brown and yellow hues there is a lot of green and mentions of teal and red. They have combined illustration with typography in this image making the text part of the art as it fits inside the shape of the figure's top. The typography is yellow, orange and off white with a curly typeface. The art style has no line art and is mostly made up of shapes of block colour with no shading or patterns, there is no textures used in this illustration besides the subtle coffee stains in the background. I think the slogan in this poster could appeal more to young adults, "drink coffee, do stupid things faster with more energy" has a sense of humor to it but I wouldn't imagine this appeals to the busy schedule of a middle aged target audience but more to students.

This poster is more in the style of a propaganda poster, where the message is bold, short and to the point. The dominant colours in this poster are blue and white and shadowing is soft and resembles a gradient style of shading. The typography is bold and has sharp corners and edges making the message sound more like a statement or an order. I really like the subtle use of the two coffee ring stains by the cup as this makes the poster look as if is has been on a desk as a print and someone who had been drinking coffee placed their mug onto the poster making the rings, I think this emphasises the message and intentions behind this poster more and the elements used are strong.

This poster takes a more heart warming approach with their slogan and imagery as they have illustrated the coffee beans to be heart shaped and the typography uses a heart for the 'o' in 'coffee'. The typography has a friendly look to it with it's rounded edges and heavy stroke combined with a hand written typeface. The colour scheme mainly consists of red, white and orange for the background, typography and product image, the red in the background adds to the heart warming feel and works with the heart shaped elements. 

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