Friday, 18 July 2014

Feedback on rough

After getting a rough half of my animation done I turned to my peers and some people with experience in the industry for feedback on it and if there are any changes I should make so I could keep these points in mind when I carry on the rest of my finished animation so I won't have to make too many changes after I have finished it. This was the feedback I was given by some people.

It would be useful is some labels or annotation was added as to what the objects in the animation are 'food' 'compost' 'composting bin' etc as they are shown. Rather than the animation starting with a fact start the opening with a title of what the video is Add 'Did you know?' before stating the fact, change the wording of the fact slightly to make it shorter and give more information throughout the animation. Close the animation with an encouraging message to the viewers to enforce your idea and the purpose of the video. At the end give information on where you can go to start composting for example a website url otherwise the viewers will watch the animation and then be unsure of what to do next for example where to get a compost bin. A simple phrase saying 'Find more information at:' and then a web url should be enough to cover that.

List each thing/ object as an introduction in sync with the music before the actual animation is shown 'fruit' 'bin' 'waste' and then show the person/character interacting with those things. Cutting and editing needs to be choppier and in time with the beats of the music and have a faster pace. Animation style of 'paper cut outs' need to be consistent in the whole animation with the style of the art.

Flipping the flat artwork around to turn the character is not a particularly successful animation, instead have the character simply turn by appearing as facing the other way.

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